Day One - Tuesday, March 21

3:00 PM
Jay Wilkinson, Graham Pansing Brooks & Tony Goins
Jay Wilkinson
Graham Pansing Brooks
Becca Stevens
Jeff Heely & Phil Dillard
Clay Upton, JD Messinger, Dr. Lou Lukas, Preeta Bansal & Jay Wilkinson
Jay Wilkinson & Graham Pansing Brooks
6:45 PM
10:00 PM
Conference Begins
Welcome to ROI of WHY
Introduction to the Do More Good® Movement
The Four Frameworks: Overview of the 1% for the Planet, Certified B Corps, Conscious Capitalism, and Benefit Corporations
Leading with Love: Justice Entrepreneurship to build missions with a business
Stakeholder Investing
Panel Discussion: The Parallel Paths of Conscious Business & Human Consciousness
Key Insights + Day Two Teaser
Happy Hour & Dinner
Lincoln After Dark
Day One Concludes
Day Two - Wednesday, March 22

7:30 AM
Jay Wilkinson & Graham Pansing Brooks
Jay Wilkinson
Nash Mahupete
Dr. Helen Fagan
David Lowe & Sara Prochaska
Jasmine Kingsley, Dr. Betsy Tonniges, Mark Ketcham & Jason Prokop
JD Messinger
Andy Stoll
Continental Breakfast
Welcome to Day Two
Mindsets of a Do More Good® Leader
Because We Are!
Becoming Inclusive
Lockton's ROI of Why Care Study
Partnering to Support Early Childhood Development
Lunch Break
The Dreamer & The Observer: A Core Beliefs Activity
The Future of Social Entrepreneurship
Conference Concludes